
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

William5/29/2009 9:23:53 pm PDT
The Democrats in the White House have been doing it since January, operating with a certain decorum, a kind of assumption as to their natural stature. … They’re smooth, impeccable, sophisticated, like the boss.

I’m sorry, but Noonan can’t be serious. There are about 200 examples proving the above utter nonsense — Obama’s teleprompter mandate for every pubic event, Obama referring to his bowling skills as “like the Special Olympics” on national television, Obama laughing about the economic meltdown during his first interview after Trillions of taxpayer dollars went out the window with TARP, etc, etc, etc.

And they’re vehemently partisan, too.

Decorum? Impeccable? Sophisticated? Noonan has gone off the deep end.