
Joe the Plumber Speaks Out Against 'Queers'

Afton5/04/2009 8:48:21 pm PDT

re: #527 Thanos

If it’s newsworthy then you can blog it, n’est ce pas? I hate even discussing this crap since many people say “see the left is worse” as a distraction, or to somehow make it ok when CJ outs some of the loony right. I know that’s not what you are attempting to do, but just saying.

Because they are bad doesn’t mean it’s ok for us to be bad. If you have integrity it just doesn’t work that way.

The next few years we have to regain credence as the adult party with middle america, because our only lever will be the senate. We aren’t going to be able to do that by going “oooooooh! Look at them instead!” every time we discover feet of clay in our party.

That’s an interesting strategy to regain the House and Senate in 2010 and the White House in 2012: We’ll let the the Lefty blogs and the MSM continue to rip into any conservative and also ignore every single transgression on the Left while the Conservative blogs and any quasi news media that is close to Conservative will focus primarily on all transgressions, gaffes, and screw ups of Conservatives in order to purify our own house. Yeah! That outta work!