
Sunset Palm

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/05/2010 9:31:16 am PST

re: #539 Guanxi88

Great. I wish you the best of luck. Nothing supports the image of a dispassionate, rational, and scientific approach to matters quite like the use of invective and insult.

How better to persuade the undecided, or to correct the misinformed, than to insult, belittle, ridicule, and otherwise demonstrate your own god-like superiority?

Good luck with that, and this from one who agrees there is a problem.

It is past that. I repeat. We are losing the fight for the truth because when we speak all dispassionately, we give the deniers a false and illegitimate equivalency, as if ther is a debate or a dispute to be had with the science. This is just like evolution and the Disco Institute. There is no difference at all in the attitude, and for that matter, as has been recounted here and many other places, many times, they are frequently the same people anyway coming up with the same antiscience two step.

Not on my watch. Not anymore. No more.

I am not sorry.

They get the same respect as the disco boys. Hell, you know and I know, they are the disco boys.

This is LGF we are anti idiotarian. That is what we do. Don’t be an idiot and you don’t get hit.