
Overnight Open Thread

albusteve5/19/2009 6:56:55 am PDT

re: #543 _RememberTonyC

At some point, there will have to be some prominent Democrat who calls Obama out on some of his moves. Right now, it is next to impossible because of BO’s enormous popularity. But at some point in time, there will be someone from his own party that declares “The Empty Suit Has No Clothes.” There is someone in the Dem party that has presidential aspirations and will have to lay the groundwork for their eventual campaign. And that may be just the person we need as a leader. Someone with courage who isn’t afraid of being called a racist. Maybe even another African American who is more conservative on financial and defense issues but is liberal on the social issues. I would consider voting for such a person.

But how long will it take and who will it be? Does anyone see such a person out there?

there are like 41 blue dogs in the House and they are not happy with his spending bills…I keep saying that this first donk to take BO to the mat will be a hero