
Oklahoma Man Arrested for 'Tea Party' Twitter Threats

Soona'4/24/2009 4:48:39 pm PDT

re: #515 Syrah

Funky Chickens post argues for a way to counter which is much better than just being defensive when these situations come up.

This one illustrates an opportunity for the RNC to take the momentum from its leftist detractors and to use it to attack those that we would like to see suffer for this nonsense, namely the likes of the Troofers and Stormfront as well as their other fellow travelers.

We could use some political Jujitsu to our advantage. It would be nice to see some leadership in the RNC that understands that.

Stormfronters and troofers-(who are, I believe, really liberals) make up a small percentage of the American right. If they were such a big deal, why didn’t I see the dems using those groups names during the last election? It’s because most Americans right and left have never heard of them. Let these kooks stew in the far background where they’ve always been.