
UN Can't Wait to Prosecute Bush Officials

robdouth4/24/2009 1:32:35 pm PDT

re: #544 BigPapa

No, but we can quote newscasters and misquote founding fathers.

Very well said sir. One Honco Salute for you.

Look, I understand where they are coming from. In an ideal world we wouldn’t have to do any of this. Torture would be a term that would strike fear of fascism into the heart of anyone, but we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in one where people can justify the brutal murder of week old infants with car bombs because they believe blood libels about Jews, and where someone thousands of miles away can deem someone else the great satan because we don’t believe in the same “merciful” god that they do.

These things muddy the waters of what is acceptable and what is necessary to ensure security. I’m sure when the founding fathers said such things, it was with regards to basic freedoms such as speaking out against democratically elected officials, and they could in no way envision such ruthless tactics. There’s was a world where certain civilities were assumed, and breaking them was a literally punishable by death. If we are going to quote founding fathers out of context, and pretend that this somehow gaurantees the rights of men that would have been summarily executed by those same founding fathers, we are way the F*** off the reservation.