
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

jcm2/21/2009 11:22:48 am PST

Spirituality and Science in the Bible.
Or how to be a Bible Believing Christian & Accept Evolutionary Evidence as Fat.

Given the hysteria over the “overwhelming” percentage of creationism threads at LGF (/sarc). I give the Lizard a perspective on how the Bible itself divides the two subjects. Furthermore that the Bible even supports holding belief in God the Creator of the Universe and all things in it, and the knowledge of evolution as have the weight of evidence supporting it as the theory (SI definition, not common usage) simultaneously and without contradiction. That Christians can and should accept the scientific evidence and not try to bend the evidence to fit a text written to a particular non-scientific purpose. It is a fundamental misaiming to use the Bible to try to understand the physical world around us. The Bible’s purpose is to apprehend the unseen spiritual world.

The Bible makes clear there are two realms:

Genesis 2:9
And out of the ground Jehovah Elohim made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; and the tree of life, in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Two trees; one of life and the other of knowledge. Notice the tree knowledge is of all knowledge both good and evil. Even good knowledge is not on the tree of life. While God would have preferred Adam and Eve had chosen the tree of life, they did not, as a result we are living lives on the tree of knowledge. However that is a completely different subject.

What are these trees and how do they apply to the creationist discussions on LGF?

The tree of life; The “life” of the tree of life refers to the divine spiritual life of God and our relationship with God, this is one realm. The tree of knowledge contains all things which are not God or associated with our relationship with God.

From the start the Bible divides the two realms the metaphysical spiritual realm and the physical knowledge realm. This realms are clearly separate and distinct, two trees.

This separation is further emphasized.
II Cor. 3:6b
…not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 4:24
God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.

God is contained in scripture as Spirit, but the scripture must be read spiritually to understand. If one is to read it by the letter, literally, it is no longer spirit, but the tree of life but the tree of knowledge. Knowledge of the word (Bible) “kills” the spiritual understanding and replaces it with understanding by knowledge. As shown above knowledge is not the realm in which to find God.

I believe it is abundantly clear that science is in the realm of knowledge, and the Bible’s function is in the spiritual realm, and this conclusion is reached from the Bible itself. It even goes so far as to warn against using the Bible as knowledge instead of spirituality, that such a use will cause separation from the spiritual.

It is theological misaiming for Christians to use the Bible or it’s creation story as science in an attempt to spread the message of the Bible.
