
Overnight Open Thread

aboo-Hoo-Hoo6/06/2009 8:48:39 am PDT

It looks like Supreme Fubar & Co. were unimpressed with Obama’s speechifying - Talking All That Jazz

Wa-alaikum-Assalam, President Barack Hussein Obama.
Following WWII the Nazi leaders accused of mass murder and aggression were put on trial at Nuremburg and were either executed or were imprisoned for life.
Numerous speeches by “free” German presidents following WWII have failed to stop the constant bombardment of the world with propaganda movies against the Nazi party –which have been also designed to shame modern Germans into a corner.
The Allies having made unbelievable profits out of German engineering design, medical advances, space research and aeronautics, not to speak of financial strategies and social development plans are still at it through their cheap mouthpieces to fool the world into believing that such technological excellence belongs to their elite and came from them.
The contributions to humanity of an entire nation that included almost everything we know about quantum physics have been dismissed by one word: Nazi!
It is foolhardy for a US President to come to our region in the false belief that his collection of words alone –no matter how eloquent- can take the place of firm action against those of his countrymen whose genocidal, extremist, prejudiced and biased ideologies have blighted and in most cases annihilated entire world communities.
Your words Mr Obama are all good and well; but we feel we must remind you that this so-called new beginning for the world following the Second World War came after a purge of international criminals.
The most recent crimes committed by the racist-Zionist association in the Middle East, has led to one million Iraqi deaths alone. In Palestine children are bombed to shreds and burned alive by phosphorus munitions…..

Somehow I get the feeling those fists are clenched tighter.