
Trump Dissolves His Fraudulent "Election Integrity" Commission

ObserverArt1/03/2018 5:48:26 pm PST

re: #45 FormerDirtDart

Hey Charles,
For the past few weeks I haven’t been able to watch videos in embedded tweets.
Other, non-tweet associated, videos play fine. gifs in tweets play fine.
If I open the tweet in a separate tab, not associated with LGF page, the videos play fine.
When LGF is viewed in Chrome, the video just shows it is endlessly spooling. Using Firefox the video window shows black with a “This media could not be played” message.”

Like I stated, if I click on the the tweets timestamp, in either browser, and open the tweet in a new tab, the videos will play fine.

Sounds like it may be related to this. Some of us changed this setting to user activation required and it hosed some videos just like you mention. Maybe it got changed by a choice made for a video or site or something. Make sure it says it is Default Mode.

Go to this Chrome page by opening a new tab and typing this link in: chrome://flags/# autoplay-policy

Be sure to remove the extra space I had to put in between the # and the autoplay so it didn’t show as a hashtag.