
Right Wing Media Try to Whitewash Trump's "Animals" Statement With Bad Faith Arguments

Targetpractice5/17/2018 1:08:54 pm PDT

re: #29 FormerDirtDart ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ€

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Biggest stumbling block in all of this? Trump wants to make sanctions relief and economic aid dependent upon NK first impressing inspectors that it has totally dismantled its nuclear program. Why is that a stumbling block? That was the entire basis of the Iran deal he just scrapped while arguing that Iran was violating the terms of the deal when in reality heโ€™s the one violating it by unilaterally scrapping it and restoring sanctions.

What world leader would be dumb enough to take Trumpโ€™s word at this point that he wonโ€™t fuck them over the moment it begins polling well with his base?