
Luca Stricagnoli Is Amazing: Metallica on Acoustic Guitar

A Mom Anon1/09/2021 11:44:28 am PST

re: #46 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I swear, that whole party acts like an abusive partner. Now they’re sorry and they didn’t really mean it, and if we just act right they promise they’ll never do it again. But if we don’t, well, we made them do it. Fuck that. From personal experience, the only way to stop this shit is to fight back and not stop til they do. If you don’t, the cycle starts over, only amped up another notch. As we see. And in between it’s all gaslighting and bullshit. The only way to stop it is to use more force than they do, it’s all they understand. And nooo, I am not advocating violence, but I am advocating knocking this back and arresting the hell out of anyone in that building who had no business being there in the first place. Nice does not work. It never has, never will.