
Saturday Afternoon Music: Antoine Dufour and Tommy Gauthier, 'Mellow Deep Art'

Cato the Elder10/17/2009 3:23:34 pm PDT

re: #51 SixDegrees

I’m leaning more and more in that direction. I heard a report last night on local radio (so far unsubstantiated) that the parent’s first call went to a local television station with a helicopter, and they only called 911 after that. And my wife raised the question: why were all three kids at home in early afternoon on a school day?

Lots of other unpleasant questions are piling up in addition. I’m trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it’s getting harder and harder.

According to a friend of his, he wrote this in a proposal a while back:

Can we attract UFO’s with a homemade flying saucer? We will modify a weather balloon, so that it resembles a UFO and will electrically charge the skin of the craft (Biefield-Brown Effect). We will capture the footage on film, and will utilize the media as a means with which to make our presence known to the masses. This will not only provide us with incredible footage, but will also generate a tremendous amount of controversy among the public, as well as publicity within the mainstream media. This will be the most significant UFO-related news event to take place since the Roswell Crash of 1947, and the result will be a dramatic increase in local and national awareness about The Heene Family, our Reality Series, as well as the UFO Phenomenon in general.

Note the Loony Capital Letter Phenomenon.

Also, Heene apparently believes in the Reptilian Alien theory. Shape-shifters and all that.

And his handyman business was in the toilet.

Desperate times Call for Desperate mEaSuReS.