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That's Sarah Palin's Science Advisor To You2/10/2010 4:49:20 pm PST

re: #52 LudwigVanQuixote


When people look at science, they tend to think of it incorrectly as something divorced from their every day experience. The reality is that many scientific principles do have every day analogies. You just have to be patient and not let yourself get frustrated at the beginning when looking into a new topic.

I tell people this all of the time.

For instance, you can look around you and quite plainly see for yourself that Heliocentrism is simply wrong and ushered in an era of false science that is now stuck in a cul-de-sac trying to locate the “Higgs boson” or “G*d particle”.

Observation makes it pretty clear that the planets and sun revolve around the earth.