
Video: Sarah Palin Claims She's a Victim of Blood Libel

Talking Point Detective1/12/2011 10:35:22 am PST
I’ll be very interested to see the reaction from Jewish advocacy groups.


I love this quote, actually:

J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami criticized Palin’s use of the term blood libel.

“We hope that Governor Palin will recognize, when it is brought to her attention, that the term ‘blood libel’ brings back painful echoes of a very dark time in our communal history when Jews were falsely accused of committing heinous deeds,” he said in a statement. “When Governor Palin learns that many Jews are pained by and take offense at the use of the term, we are sure that she will choose to retract her comment, apologize and make a less inflammatory choice of words.”

I imagine that there are a few people here that aren’t big fans of J Street (I am), but I think this is a very nice way to create a tactical advantage when you have a whiner like Palin.