
'The Muslim Brotherhood is Much Stronger Than Mohamed ElBaradei'

56 12:07:20 pm PST

re: #51 Alexzander

I’m getting the same impression from twitter. Neither Elbaradei or the MB are particularly welcome. I think the real ‘leaders’ of these events, if there are any at all, are probably some relatively unknown student organizers who put together the protest guide and organized the original Jan 25 events.

The PROBLEM for them is this - if Mubarek just up and leaves, there is a power vacuum. Whoever steps into it will need to be some group that has some sort of organization ready to take up the job of leading the country wherever it’s going go. And the student organizers are unlikely to have that sort of organization. Now, maybe they have some contacts with some organizations, who knows? But I suspect the original organizers have no plan other than to get Mubarek OUT. We’ll see how it plays out.