
Florida GOP: Still Living in the 19th Century?

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin9/02/2011 1:45:10 pm PDT

re: #7 ralphieboy

Barack Obama pointed out in his autobiography that when his parents got married, interracial marriage was still illegal in several states

Yes, and conservatives also tried to get anti-miscegenation Constitutional amendments at the federal level. Limited government, pfft.

As if there were not already obvious connections to same sex marriage prohibition, another “on the books but (supposedly) not enforced” anti-miscegenation law from 1913 came oozing out of the woodwork in MA when same sex marriage was legalized.

Wasn’t repealed until 3 years ago.

(Lol things like this are why “quit living in the past!!!!!!@1” is such an immediate eyeroll generator.)