
Gingrich Approves of South Carolina's Decision To Fly Confederate Flag At Capital

Mostly sane, most of the time.12/24/2011 1:03:04 pm PST

I reached “that point” today. It happens every Christmas.

Standing in line at Costco with four pounds of bacon (don’t worry, I have sons), 72 batteries, a danish thingy that for our own safety we’ll be eating in small pieces, and having just passed through stacks and stacks of…stuff…I looked up on the wall and there’ s a giant sign saying “There’s more!”

Because there might just be a place in your house that is empty. Because you might have 1.5% less crap than your neighbors.
Because you might have to delay gratification a day or two.
Because you might have a desire that is not currently filled.

More stuff. You must have more stuff. If this gigantic warehouse (which was the biggest Costco in the world when it was built) doesn’t have enough stuff, we sell more online.

This is not an anti-Costco screed. It’s an anti-buying-crap screed. I actually like Costco, and not just because they feed me. I reached “that point.”