
3-Year Senate Investigation: 'Enhanced Interrogation' Was Ineffective

Killgore Trout4/27/2012 3:41:38 pm PDT

re: #38 Daniel Ballard

BTW, I sincerely believe any President real or prospective (looking at you Al Gore) would easily have made “over reaction” motivated mistakes in the weeks and months after 9/11. Maybe not torture.

Maybe we would have invaded Pakistan too, and fought a short battlefield nuclear war. That could have been the big mistake as bad or worse than invading Iraq for one example.

Maybe we would have decimated Afghanistan, looked at the history of occupiers there and just walked away to let them die & suffer under the warlords unaided by the rest of the world. Or who knows what might have been?

I more or less agree with that. At the risk of dragging the Iraq war debate onto the new thread: Al Gore slammed Bush during the campaign for being too timid on Iraq. Obama also kept indefinite detention and the patriot act. As much as we all run around pretending our side is different from the other, the differences are actually fairly minor.