
Vice Presidential Debate, Thread the Second

Killgore Trout10/11/2012 7:08:01 pm PDT

re: #41 The Mongoose

There’s so much information flying in this debate that nearly all of the substance is going to be drowned out.

On this and other dem-leaning sites, everyone loves Biden and thinks he’s winning. On GOP-leaning sites they are celebrating because Biden is “losing it” and are certain he’s turning off independents.

It’s going to come down to whether the average viewer sees the VP as commanding/confident, or loud/rude. I’m not making a prediction yet other than this…the polls asking “who won?” won’t be anywhere near as lopsided as after the 1st Presidential debate.

The usual aesthetics, body language, gaffes will count but the press now relies on fact checking sites for coverage of events like this. I think the facts will matter.