
Tuesday Night Jam: Snarky Puppy Feat. Laura Mvula & Michelle Willis, "Sing to the Moon"

Backwoods Sleuth3/02/2016 7:48:35 am PST

Kentucky, where our state legislature spends so much time finding solutions to non-existent problems:

Christmas Counterattack: Rep. Will Coursey, D-Symsonia, filed HB 565 which would give any business owner immunity from civil liability for exhibiting a Christmas display and the bill also makes it unlawful for an employer to fire an employee for saying “Merry Christmas.”

And also pretty much defying SCOTUS:

Marriage Amendment: Rep. Joe Fischer, R-Ft. Thomas, filed HB 571, which is a proposed constitutional amendment that would add this sentence to the Constitution of Kentucky: “Only a matrimony between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a matrimony in Kentucky.” Fisher also filed HB 572 which is a 454-page bill “to redefine and establish the legal parameters of the civil institution of marriage.”
