
Tennessee Pay-To-Spray Firefighters Watch As Home Burns Down

webevintage10/04/2010 2:37:07 pm PDT

re: #547 EmmmieG

Married or unmarried, straight or gay, teachers shouldn’t be discussing their sexual lives in the classroom, with the one obvious exception of acknowledging the arrival of a child.*

Even then, the sex part of it can be ignored to the benefit of everyone.

*Unless, like my mother’s teacher, you are in your 40’s and overweight and don’t know you are pregnant until you deliver a baby in the art supplies closet. True story.

Do teachers talk about their sex lives?
The only thing I can think of is sharing that one might be gone for a week or so on a honeymoon?
Maybe if a gay teacher* shared how much it an suck to be a gay teenager in a discussion about bullies? Hmmmm, trying to come up with other scenarios.

*I think it would be better for everyone to know who is gay so that
A. everyone knows that yes they do actually know gays and yeah, they are normal and not thinking about have the gay sex with you 24/7
B. so that gay teens realize that it is OK to be gay and that there is a life after high school.