
Here We Go Again: The Latest Round of Media Dithering About Trump's Constant Lying

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/28/2018 10:34:47 am PDT

re: #563 MsJ

GDPR **IS** a good thing. You own what you do online. You can request your presence be completely removed, all history, everything. You determine who and what is fine with your private information.

We wouldn’t have had Cambridge Analytica of we had GDPR.

I want to own my browsing history. I want to own my own data. I want to tell Facebook to fuck off and delete me always and forever. But I can’t because I’m not in Europe.

What the GDPR will do is force corporations to come up with two standards (one for Europe and one for everyone else), or make them decide “it’s just easier to comply with the EU’s rules throughout the world.” If the latter, it benefits people in the USA and elsewhere through that knock-off effect.

It may also inspire other countries to adopt similar regulations.