
Pawlenty Jumps Aboard the Nut Wagon

Papa Ray9/04/2009 8:59:58 pm PDT

“I object to this unwarranted line of communication being opened between children and the state, and it has nothing to do with any particular President. It is a necessary condition for totalitarianism, and I think we would rather do well to stop short *before* we find ourselves in extremis regarding tyranny. After all, this above all other things is the purpose of our very Constitution.”

Well many folks do have problems with this “particular” president. They don’t trust him or his administration anymore, if they ever trusted him in the first place.

Most school districts have an “opt out” clause for parents to enact if there is some activity or lesson plan that they don’t want their kids involved in. According to all of the news I have read about half of the school districts in Texas are either not going to broadcast the speech or are going to review the speech and let parents review it and then show it to the students whose parents OK it.

Obama has just not been all the things that he promised and has been many of the things that he railed against in his campaigning days. That is another thing I read and hear, is just when is he going to stop being a candidate for president and start being the President of the United States.

And your right, it is a slippery slope when you start expanding government’s role in schools. Many feel that the federal education dept should just be abolished and education left up to the states and localities. I know it would be money better spent.