
X-Men #2, The Vanisher (November 1963)

Aceofwhat?3/30/2010 7:58:13 pm PDT

re: #550 austin_blue

A hit! A palpable hit!

Really? That’s all you’ve got?

Come on, man! Tell me why we should continue to embrace a system the rest of the western world has moved away from. Tell me why American industry is saddled with costs that cripple them compared to the rest of the world. Tell me why we pay more of our GDP in health care than the rest of the western world and get results that are quantifiably worse. Tell me why we are the only developed country that allows insurance companies to deny claims and *kill* citizens for profit. Tell me why you side with the Teabaggers instead of cold, hard, facts.

Enquiring minds want to know.

right. i want to side with the teabaggers. sigh.

i’ve written it often. we should be expanding HSA’s, tax deductibility for individual premiums and expenses, removing state barriers to insurance portability, providing/regulating catastrophic coverage, increasing what can be prescribed by NP’s…

we pay way too much of a % of GDP for healthcare because we have no reason to watch what we spend. as long as we pay our premiums, fuckit, order all 11 tests to help the doc CYA…