
Video: Roland Martin on Birthers: 'They're Stupid'

Spare O'Lake4/22/2010 1:47:15 pm PDT
re: #529 lostlakehiker

And isn’t it sweet to bask in the glow of well-deserved self-approbation for pluperfect awesomeness? You can laugh at the schmuck who’s ahead of you in line at the gas/convenience store buying potato chips and slowing you down as you go to buy your sure-thing lucky number lotto card.

Hahaha…stop following me.
No problem with warning labels, that’s not what was being discussed. And no one is suggesting that lethal doses of salt, sugar or anything else should be allowed in individual food servings. The issue of legislating maximum amounts of various ingredients in processed foods is, to me, an issue of personal responsibility and freedom of choice.
Perhaps folks should take a little time to shop for and eat more fresh meat and produce, instead of relying so heavily on heavily processed foods which must of necessity contain large amounts of preservatives and other ingredients to make the crap palatable.