
Uncle Jimbo Apologizes, Banned User Lies

Randall Gross3/06/2009 10:48:52 am PST

re: #34 brookly red

Interesting, I have often wondered how many posters (on any given site) are actually who they say they are…

One note, this guy is not one of the foreigners, it’s the late night salt dead thread types who I was referring to. AWD seems to fall in with the VDARE / Rockford Paleocon nexus, and appears to be in Detroit or thereabouts. Most of these groups and think tanks are heavily influenced by foreign elements as well, one of these days I’ll get around to a “follow the networks” diagram that shows all the links, you have to see it to believe it.
AWD and many other stasist Paleocons get their Talking points and angst directly from these foreign groups in many cases. It’s why so many on the right are bent out of shape by new Mosques in Europe while not paying a whit of attention to the war in Afghanistan.