
Breaking: McChrystal To Be Relieved of Command

_RememberTonyC6/23/2010 10:42:09 am PDT

Do you know what is really bumming me out? The fact that Afghanistan is one of those places that I don’t really think can be decisively “won.” So we can make good progress there and perhaps kill a lot of the bad guys, but in that country, it seems that even the “good guys” are not very good. So at some point we will exhaust our political and military patience and then pull out. And as soon as we do that, we will be seen as having been defeated and those really good guys who did try to help us will have their heads cut off as the islamists gloat. It almost seems that only an unthinkable level of brutality on our part can lead to a sea change there. And I don’t believe Obama or any other POTUS has the stomach for that.