
Deranged Talking Points Hatching on Twitter

KingKenrod6/23/2010 12:09:16 pm PDT

re: #48 simoom

Darrel Issa’s on message with today’s goofy talking point:

I can’t recall, but did any congressional Democrat say they agreed with the “Betray us” moniker from the MoveOn ad? The votes against the resolution condemning MoveOn (which passed with strong bipartisan support) where explained as being in protest of political stunt resolutions. Imagine if every time a Right Wing PAC put out a nutty press release or published an incendiary ad Congress felt the need to pass resolutions condemning them - they’d have little time to do much else.

Joe Biden said this:

“They went, in that one instance, I think, overboard. But the point they were trying to make was still valid.”

I’m not sure what he thinks MoveOn’s point was.

Sen. Boxer actually tried to get the ad condemned.

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