
Klinghoffer: Von Brunn the Evolutionist

zombie6/11/2009 3:38:24 pm PDT

re: #247 Charles

His rant is pretty incoherent - but I think he’s actually in favor of “Mendelism.” A quote:

By the 1980s, however, the vast benefits being made available to Mankind through Mendelism were described in the most prestigious scientific journals, lectures, and so on, making it impossible for the mass-media to conceal the FACTS any longer; one of which is: the Races are inherently unequal. This irrefutable fact strikes at the heart of MARXISM/ LIBERALISM/JEWRY and their effort to miscegenate the Races and create One World ILLUMINATI Government. As one might expect the mass-media, Christian Church, JEWRY and academia continue to promulgate the false doctrines of BOASISM and ignore or decry Mendelism.

Wow, that is pretty incoherent.

Hmmmmm, though I’m getting a glimpse of his “thesis,” as it were. I think by referring to “Mendelism” and “Boasism” he’s basically trying to talk about nature vs. nuture — that racial differences are 100% nature, or something like that.

Ah well, skip the whole “Mendelism” thing then. His worldview is so cockamamie that blaming somebody for it, or even trying to make sense of it, is not possible.