
Cap-and-Trade Passes House

Randall Gross6/26/2009 6:12:14 pm PDT

re: #562 Bagua

No Thanos, I can’t, and I don’t discount that there is an Anthropogenic effect on climate on the micro-climate level, nor do I doubt that there is some effect on a systemic level as well, however, I strongly challenge that we understand the systemic effect to a degree that we can start using words like “fact” or propose crippling our economies as a response.

I oppose this bill as well, but I’m not a denialist. We do need to do something before 9 billion souls inhabit the planet all wanting to drive, to cook, to burn things… I’m a lukewarmist, and always have been - one of the reasons I’ve strongly advocated nuclear energy for 25 years, even when it was uncool and unpopular to do so.