
Video: Glenn Beck Hitlerfest, Extended Version

Mosse8/12/2009 9:19:09 pm PDT

re: #18 buzzsawmonkey

Though Beck got the years wrong, the Tiergartenstrasse-4 (T-4) “mercy killings” of the “incurably ill, physically or mentally disabled, emotionally distraught, and elderly people” occurred in Germany, beginning in 1939. The T-4 program was the “dress rehearsal” for subsequent killings and they were the issue that Bishop Galen wrote his famous sermon about, for which he was taken by the Gestapo and killed. The T-4 program was a central element to the development of the racial extermination that became the Holocaust. Take a look at my postings of the articles by Sunstein and Ezekiel, as well as the HR 3200 language that is of concern.
See for a short description of T-4. This is a Holocaust survivors’ site.