
Overnight Open Thread

jcm6/09/2009 8:34:24 am PDT

re: #550 Cato the Elder

There is one other thing to be considered. When Hitler was trembling away in his bunker, a lot of his orders were disobeyed or tacitly ignored. Paris did not burn. The scorched earth in Germany was from the Russians, not the grand suicide of das deutsche Volk that Hitler dreamed of as his last apocolyptogasm.

It is one thing to keep the dying dictator happy with kidnapped American women and primitive nuclear tests. It is another thing to order a strike that will result in massive retaliation against your entire country.

In short, I doubt such an order would be carried out.

Given what I’ve read of the level of mind control in the North, the absolute belief they are the victims of S. Korea and the US. I believe the N. Korean Army would obey any and all orders, and fight down to a remnant, the type of commitment the Japanese troops on Okinawa showed.