
Video: Obama's Statement on Iran Election Violence

Walter L. Newton6/15/2009 5:13:35 pm PDT

re: #30 jcm

Obama won’t express support those fighting and dying for their freedom.

But, this morning in a “major” speech he proposed taking a little more of our freedom.

This man is so lacking. If you listened to that video, he is totally incapable of forming thoughts and communicating without a prepared speech and his teleprompter.

It doesn’t take someone or something special to do that. Look at the comments here on LGF. Charles puts up a thread, we get into a conversation and we are forming whole paragraphs, communicating our ideas with each other. It’s not hard.

But listen to him, it takes him over 4 minutes to get across two or three simple points. He stumbles, he mumbles, he has no style or vocal patterns that would engender interest of belief in what he is saying.

It almost hurts to try to listen to him finish a thought.