
Glenn Beck Says 9/11 Truthers Are Dangerous, But Guest Host of Beck's Show is a Truther

Walter L. Newton1/10/2011 2:59:38 pm PST

re: #42 000G

Tumbleweed: A look inside the mind of erad3 (most-likely Jared Loughner)

Lovely… the blind leading the blind… I’m looking over a few of those “Articles” and what’s most amazing are the people who are trying to answer him, work with him, understand him as if there is anything fucking there to understand.

Holy shit. I spent most of the 60’s and 70’s dealing with these topics, and yes, there was some crazy stuff we dealt with in the area of UFO’s, conspiracy, Fortean topics, cryptozoology, paranormal phenomena and so on.

But at least we had sentences and paragraphs that contained recognizable progressions of thought, ideas and theory, right or wrong, silly or not, you could experience it from beginning to end and walk away with an understanding of the premise put forth.

This crap is gibberish, answered with gibberish and they all seem to be as sincere as a summers day.

If “the truth is out there” then it’s in dire need of psychiatric help.