
Saturday Morning Open

JamesTKirk8/29/2009 2:19:46 pm PDT

re: #547 Charles

Yeah. As I think about it there are a lot of wrinkles in the blog pimp stopper idea. Have to ponder it some more.

Here’s another idea — a way to send a private message to another logged-in user. It would use an alert box, displaying the message and the username it came from. In your ‘My Account’ page, you’d have a check box to allow or refuse private messages, which would default to ‘refuse’. So you’d have to specifically turn it on if you wanted to receive messages.

Just to avoid trolls and such, I think it would probably work like this:

I’d leave it set for “refuse”. Someone would say, “Hey, Kirk, I have something special and private to give you [in bed].” So, I’d switch it to accept and receive what they had for me [in bed]. Then, one we were finished, I’d probably switch back to “refuse”.