
Live CPAC Video: The Glenn Beck Denouement

Guanxi882/20/2010 4:34:58 pm PST

re: #571 SanFranciscoZionist

OK, thinking about this for a bit: We’re twenty years past the effective end of the Cold War. Why are these people bitching about Communism, and finding it effective? We have a lot of bad shit abroad in the world today, but except for a couple of blowhards in Latin America, Communism is, if not dead, at least on its dying gasps.

What’s going on? I find it fascinating that based on responses here (I truly can’t watch this stuff) they appear far more concerned with Commies than with terrorists.

Easy enough to explain. From the perspective of many, the very folk against whom we’d been warning at home and fighting abroad are in positions of authority, power, and influence at home. Consequently, the Red-hunting we see now.