
AP: Steve Jobs Resigning from Apple

lawhawk8/25/2011 6:34:31 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. We’ve got Irene bearing down on the area (though the models aren’t exactly agreeing on where the storm will be on Sat/Sun when it should be at our latitude. I’m hoping it goes well East, but after the models were moving in that direction yesterday, they’ve shifted back towards the heart of the NYC.

So, if you think that the earthquake coverage was overblown, you aint seen nothing yet.

Thing is, hurricanes are the real deal when it comes to rearranging large areas of property - and the US hasn’t had a landfall in a couple of years. This storm is tracking to hit or at least sideswipe the biggest East Coast cities and their metro areas. Caution is warranted, but hysteria isn’t.