
Overnight Video: Rand Paul Dodges Fox News Reporter in His Own Studio

Fozzie Bear8/13/2010 8:59:47 am PDT

I feel like the focus on Ron Paul’s apparently crazy party days during college is a bit off the mark. It appears that nobody was hurt by the incident with “Aqua Buddha”, and I doubt that anybody was even all that bothered by it. Frankly, it sounds alot like fairly typical frat boy stuff.

I think there is a certain danger to this kind of story, because it detracts from more legitimate criticism of Paul’s policy positions, which are much crazier than his stoner antics. I worry about a media narrative that goes something like this:

Story 1: “Candidate A thinks the civil rights act of 1964 wasn’t really a good idea, associated closely with white supremecists, and apparently forced a fellow college student to smoke weed in a college prank gone overboard”

Follow up story: “As it turns out, Candidate A didn’t force a fellow college student to smoke weed, it was overblown. The allegation is made by an unnamed source, which cannot be verified. Clearly, Candidate A isn’t as crazy as his opponents make him out to be.”

The impression gleaned by the retarded electorate: “Ron Paul is being smeared by his opponents using unnamed anonymous sources, and isn’t as crazy as everybody is saying. He seems like a relatively normal guy to me. I don’t like this kind of personal attack politics. I might vote for Rand Paul.”

There is a danger that this kind of story can help defuse the ACTUAL crazy shit Rand Paul stands for if it turns out to be nothing. The focus needs to be on the policy positions that Paul endorses, not the stupid stuff he did when he was 20 that really isn’t all that crazy compared to what alot of people here, and alot of voters, have themselves done when they were young. Who cares that he was a stoner in college (I sure don’t), he is a fucking racist tool who has no respect or concern for civil rights gains made in the past 50 years, and associates with white supremacists.

Clinton was a stoner in college, and Bush was an alcoholic before he got elected. The electorate didn’t care that the past two presidents had crazy childhoods. It is a mistake to think they will care that R.P. did. It helps Paul to have this story out there, in a way, because it distracts from his far more odious traits.