
Zimmerman Verdict: Not Guilty

spiderx7/14/2013 1:18:07 am PDT

re: #575 krypto

I continue to believe that was the only possible verdict. Claiming that seeing enough to form that conclusion, while having a life and not spending 8 hours a day watching the Zimmerman trial, is “talking out of my ass” is absurd.

The bottom line is that the jury confirmed my conclusion about what decision they would have to reach.

It was obviously not easy for them — they took a long time to deliberate — but it was not any surprise that they had to reach that decision.

not surprising given that juries come to some perplexing decisions , especially in florida (casey anthony). But this was the clearest case of manslaughter I’ve ever seen. Martin was just minding his own business when GZ started to follow him. We don’t know what happened and how a scuffle started but it doesn’t matter. The law does not allow you to follow someone, start a confrontation, and then if you’re getting your ass whooped because of it, pull out a firearm and blow the guy away.

The only people who come to the conclusion that GZ was in the right are either racist or so gullible that they’ll fall for anything their side (in this case the right-wing echo chamber) tells them.