
Oklahoma Man Arrested for 'Tea Party' Twitter Threats

Occasional Reader4/24/2009 4:55:49 pm PDT

re: #559 solomonpanting

The verdict is in:

For Obama, hipness is what it is

From your link:

It’s so hip that school kids in Albany, N.Y., coined a term for it: “Baracking.” And it doesn’t stop there. Those in the know at Albany High greet each other by saying: “What’s up, my Obama?” and they respond to a sneeze with “Barack you.” Misbehavior is peer-corrected with the admonition, “Barack’s in the White House,” which translates, “Show some respect.”
Deborah Tannen, professor of linguistics at Georgetown University, said it was “just really stunning” that kids were co-opting the president’s name as a term of endearment and identification.
“This is the most emblematic, positive thing that kids could say,” she said. “It’s connecting them to him, saying that there’s something special in the connection between them.”

I am officially freaked out now.

Cult of personality.