
Palin Reacts to Akin Flap With Bizarre Disconnected Rant

Testy Toad T8/22/2012 11:09:21 am PDT

re: #564 Kragar

GOP Approves ‘Most Conservative Platform In Modern History’

And a reminder. Unlike the vitriolic snake-pit that is the Democratic Party, and I mean that in the nicest way, the ‘big tent’ of the GOP is a monolithic one. Almost without exception, if you vote GOP then you are voting in favor of these policies.

If you are a disgruntled Republican and you want to reform your party, great. I honestly hope you succeed. Talk with people, go to your local meetings or whatever the hell parties have, run for small (or big) office with a sane agenda, and refudiate the shit out of this bad craziness. But if you vote for a current member of the GOP who hasn’t explicitly rejected these platform planks (and who hasn’t yet walked it back as a ‘misunderstanding’ after drawing the wrath of the Dread Lord Limbaugh), you are voting for these policies.