
Overnight Open Thread

Neo Con since 9-112/22/2009 4:42:02 am PST

re: re: #540 BlueCanuck

nk”>#536 HoosierHoops

re: #537 Dustyvet
Thanksre: #541 BatGuano

You’ll never catch up. I tried. Apparently the survivalists didn’t survive. The video had baby deer and kitties so you get a ding up.

Yikes, when the survivalists don’t survive you know things have gotten bad. What did they do? And does the fact that I store 3 weeks worth of of water and a pound of canned meat make me a survivalist? and thanks for the #539 littleoldlady

Neo Con! :-)

I didn’t see it.

/stole the prize anyway
//THANKS! ;-)

Hi LOL but you didn’t earn the cute video so you need to put it back