
Brand New From Seth Meyers: Rod Rosenstein Chaos; Trump Attacks Kavanaugh's Accuser

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/24/2018 7:15:31 pm PDT

Just for giggles, here is one of my posts from 2009:

Would it surprise anyone here that Townhall ♥’s BNP, VB, etc?

From Blankley’s latest piece:

[…] Now, with last weekend’s election, we are beginning to see the breakout of such political impulses. Not all the parties are disreputable. I have met with Geert Wilders, who is a courageous, decent Dutch patriot. He only stepped up to the challenge when, in 2003, as a local official, he made the commonplace observation that Yasser Arafat was a “terrorist leader.” […]

The real winners are in the comments:

St. Denis In Obama’s Red America
Location: LA
Reply # 1
Date: Jun 10, 2009 - 7:26 PM EST
The EU Had Better Awaken PRONTO!

Bravo on the elections, but the EU had better get with the terror program, which we are moving away from […]


Location: FL
Reply # 2
Date: Jun 10, 2009 - 3:20 PM EST
Tea Party, Anyone?
Meanwhile, America is heading in the opposite direction.

[shout out to Kilgore!]

Location: WA
Reply # 3
Date: Jun 10, 2009 - 2:26 PM EST
Congrats to Europe!
They learned from past mistakes as will we.


Location: CA
Reply # 4
Date: Jun 10, 2009 - 2:20 PM EST
Re: Wolfgang / Elections
Wolfgang writes: “…The current economic collapse also doesn’t hurt these parties. People are tired of being told who they have rub shoulders with….”
CORRECT! In fact it’s these vermin who contribute to the problems of Western nations as they’re now an economic drain. As to whom we want as neighbors, Nations have a right to maintain their cultural and ethnic identity. This means if we dont want to be infested with Muslims, who aren’t part of our culture, we have the right to exclude them. And if they prove they’re a threat, as they now have, we have the right and responsibility to take more “Extreme” measurers.

[BTW folks, I’m not cherry picking, I’m just going down the list of comments!]

Location: CA
Reply # 6
Date: Jun 10, 2009 - 11:16 AM EST
That the BNP may be racist is of secondary importance to the more important issue; the greater threat to the world posed by the danger or Islam. There’s a Muslim saying, “Enemy of my enemy is my friend”: meaning sometimes strange alliances are necessary to achieve the more important objective and the greater good. The Western world is in an undeclared war with Islam. At stake is our very survival. So our most important objective for the security of the free world is the ultimate extermination of Muslims. So if we must, for the greater good, support political parties like the BNP or other neo-fascists to rid the world of dangerous vermin like Muslims, so be it. Desperate situations sometimes require desperate solutions. So YES. Tomorrow DOES belong to us; provided we find leaders with the courage to think the unthinkable.


Location: PA
Reply # 8
Date: Jun 10, 2009 - 8:53 AM EST
Finally a few countries are coming to their senses. Please keep stressing that we here in America need to get back to our own senses. The stink is getting worse and we need to stop it, The BO smell is in need of deodorant and disinfectant then flushed.

[all emphases added.] is the home of the true “conservatives”, is it not?