
Overnight Open Thread

simoom7/24/2011 11:43:15 pm PDT

re: #51 simoom

More Bruce Bawer whining about the “tragedy” to his anti-jihad movement:

Pajama’s Media: A Double Tragedy for Norway

Yesterday’s events, then, represent a double tragedy for Norway. Not only has it lost almost one hundred people, including dozens of young people, in a senseless rampage of violence. But I fear that legitimate criticism of Islam, which remains a very real threat to freedom in Norway and the West, has been profoundly discredited, in the eyes of many Norwegians, by association with this murderous lunatic.

Nice rhetoric there, constructing the political repercussions as one half of the “double tragedy,” the other being a terrorist’s massacre. /// I hardly know anything about Bruce Bawer, but based on glancing at this and some of his other Pajamas Media articles, yeah… he kind of a dick.