
Pat Buchanan Promotes Book On White Supremacist Radio Show

lawhawk10/24/2011 8:26:12 am PDT

re: #574 Gus 802

The media and rwnj are casting the Tunisian elections in terms of an Islamist victory, but the reports are light (nonexistent) on who and what the various groups that are likely to win elections stand for and what they’d actually do in power.

The Ennahda party appears to be in a position to win a significant percentage of the votes and seats in the parliament, but that’s only the first step to writing a new constitution or putting in place a new government and economic policies. If they can’t put together a government that provides for economic opportunities and freedom, the Islamists (no matter how extreme or moderate they may turn out to be) will be tossed out too. The vote count is on….