
Wednesday Afternoon Change Locus

MJ1/28/2009 2:21:47 pm PST

New State Department spokesman does not rule-out apologizing to Iran for past policies:

QUESTION: Secretary Clinton said yesterday that Iran has an opportunity to open dialogue with the U.S. And today President Ahmadinejad said that – he demanded that President Obama apologize for past U.S. crime before opening such a dialogue. What is your reaction?

MR. WOOD: Well, again, haven’t seen his comments, but I think it’s clear from what the Secretary said yesterday and what the President has said that we obviously are reviewing our policy toward Iran. We are certainly interested in having a dialogue with Iran. But with regard to those remarks from President Ahmadinejad, haven’t seen them. But I think we’ve been pretty clear, and the Secretary certainly was yesterday, in terms of how we plan to at least proceed with regard to dealing with Iran.

QUESTION: Do you think that would fit in well with the President’s comments, I think on Inauguration Day, that the U.S. would take – would be – would act with more humility worldwide?

MR. WOOD: That’s what the President said. He was very clear that this Administration is going to make diplomacy and dialogue the center. And I just don’t have anything more on –

QUESTION: But what the —

MR. WOOD: (Inaudible.)

QUESTION: But what President Ahmadinejad was saying was it’s nice to say that you want a dialogue with Iran, but not only, like – you know, he didn’t – obviously didn’t talk about his own policies, but he said that, you know, it can’t just be the tone, U.S. policy towards Iran had to change.

MR. WOOD: Well, I think what we want to see is improved behavior on the part of Iran internationally. We’re certainly interested in having a dialogue with the Iranian people. Americans are – have a lot of respect for Iran, its culture, and its people. But there are certain things that Iran knows it needs to do if it wants to get back into the good graces of the international community, particularly with regard to its nuclear program, in terms of its activities in supporting terror in the Middle East region. So Iran needs to take a number of steps before the international community is going to welcome it back into its good graces.

The rest of the Iran questions have to do with policy but at no point does Robert Wood rule-out apologizing to Iran.