
Thursday Night Music: Regina Spektor, 'Laughing With'

jcm6/25/2009 9:35:47 pm PDT

Well, well, well,

It seems our local admitted felony and congress critter, one Baghdad Jim McDimwitt has been getting preferential tax treatment.

Are wealthy politicians paying their “fair share”

A listener sent me a tip about a piece of property owned by congressman Jim McDermott. A 9 1/2 acre view parcel that overlooks Maury Island. The tipster said the congressman says the congressman paid $495,000 for the property. That is confirmed by this review of King County sales records

The only time we are certain what the value of a property is is when that property sells. It is worth what someone is willing to pay.

And yet a review of King County tax records for this parcel indicates that it is being assessed at about half of what Congressman McDermott paid for the parcel. $248,000 in 2007, $250,000 in 2008, and $250,000 in 2009.

My assessment went up again this year, despite the down turn in housing prices.