
Supreme Court Blocks Texas Neanderthal Sonogram Law

Simply Sarah9/30/2011 10:14:25 am PDT

re: #580 chunkymonkey

Right, but they ARE often more invasive than the sonogram procedure depicted above. The picture above is there solely to get an emotional rise out of the viewer. It serves no other purpose.

I should also say that, to many women, the sonogram would be much more invasive purely because it’s a forced procedure against their will.

Beyond that, I just don’t follow. I had two wisdom teeth removed last year. That’s surgery and is, of course, semi-invasive. Now, let’s say that a law was passed that before a woman had this done, she had to be groped by the doctor. By your line of reasoning, pointing out how utterly outrageous and what a huge invasion of my personal and emotional privacy such an act would be sounds like something you’d consider to be an overly emotional argument, since you’d likely deem it “less invasive” than the actual surgery.