
Anti-Abortion Activists: Tiller's Church 'Brought Damnation On Themselves'

Ray in TX9/27/2009 10:25:56 pm PDT

re: #572 tradewind

I agree it was gross, but I still don’t think they’ll end up locking him away for any length of time… even though they should.
His lawyers will argue his age, and then they’ll say the trial was poisoned because of dirty dealings re the sentencing.
The justice would have been never letting him get out of the country in the first place.

I will say this about Polanski. As I understand it, the victim has already publicly forgiven him for this act.

If she is now free to press charges and yet refuses to do so, then why clog up the courts over it? There may be a message of forgiveness here that perhaps we should stop and ponder for a moment. A “teachable moment,” as a certain person may describe it. Why should we carry more animus over this crime than the actual victim?