
Overnight Open Thread

VioletTiger7/31/2009 6:50:05 am PDT

re: #568 FrogMarch

You poor folks are taxed to death in NJ. My sister-in-law’s family are all from NJ. She once told me what her folks pay in property tax and my jaw hit the floor. NJ has a solid liberal/democrat populous - but at some point it’s even liberals revolt. Corzine is certainly pushing the limits of the standard democrat meme: “tax everyone and everything to death until every social program turns into utopia!” Meanwhile, the state’s economy is swirling down the toilet.

Not every town is lib. I am in a solid red town, but the libs in the cities overwhelm us all. Our property taxes are the highest in the country. There is a lot of waste in government, but they never seem to clean it up.
Hopefully, we can be the beacon on the hill and be the first to send these tax and spend fools packing.